Manager Crash Course-2 Day Program
"RPG Solutions did a great job taking our leadership team through a Manager Crash Course. The two-day course was a valuable learning tool for new directors as well as a great refresher for the more experienced. "
Manager Crash Course can be purchased as a 2 day package or be purchased on a per day basis:
Contact Donna Bishop about scheduling your session! Donna.bishop@hubinternational.com
Day 1 Morning Sessions
Manager 101 – Basic Compliance Laws
- Understanding Key Employment Laws (ADA, FLSA, EEO, FCRA, etc.)
- Review internal processes that reflect employment laws
- Best practices for HR Files
- Know when to get assistance from Human Resources
Managers and Leaders – Grooming your Top People for Success
- Identify the differences between a manager and a leader
- Identify your management & leadership skills and how to use them
- Recognize and accept your current strengths and areas for improvement
- Establish, develop, and maintain your core group with trust, teamwork and power to continue to make things happen.
- Create your individual management and leadership vision and action plan to be more productive.
Day 1 Afternoon Sessions
DiSC Workplace Behavior Assessment – How to Effectively Communicate with Others
Learn the 4 DiSC behavior traits and how to “read” others
- Develop strategies to improve your approach for working together to improve productivity, effectiveness and relationships
- Gain, respect, appreciate, understand and value individual differences to facilitate better teamwork
- Learn to increase positive impact, influence team and customers intentionally to create and support positive outcomes
- Build your capability to effectively manage yourself when confronted with difficult people or situations
- Learn how to use DiSC as a pre-employment tool to hire and retain the best talent
- Difficult Conversations and Effective Communications
- Understand the costs of poor interactions
- Understand barriers to interactions
- Develop & practice new skills to improve your communication in every situation
- Navigate tricky and touchy situations
Day 2 Morning Sessions
Hiring & Selecting: Hire the Best Fit
- Discuss a company’s best hiring process/guidelines
- Understand the importance of:
- Utilizing a structured interview process
- Developing solid job descriptions
- Conducting resume reviews and phone screening
- Behavioral Interviewing: Creating competencies & asking targeted questions
- Including HR, the manager and team members
- Conducting reference checks
- Legal Pitfalls
- Onboarding
Day 2 Afternoon Sessions
Performance Management-It’s about the conversation, not the form
- Performance Management as a System
- Performance Review Best Practices, Process, Policy and Forms
- Create Process and Forms for your company
- Preparing, Conducting and Concluding a Review
- Communication with your best and poorest performer
Discipline and Termination - Beyond Performance Management
- Review Employment law and legal overview
- Effective discipline & termination principles and process from start to finish
- Roles and responsibilities of managers
- Avoiding litigation
- Importance of Documentation
- Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs)
- Voluntary v. Involuntary Terminations
Location: RPG Solutions, a division of HUB International Southeast, 8081 Arco Corporate Drive, Ste 100, Raleigh NC Map
Individual Cost for both days $420 per person and includes cost of DiSC assessment.
Individual cost for DAY 1 $240 per person and includes cost of the DiSC assessment
Individual cost for DAY 2 $180 per person.
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